In this section, You can look for all Electrical Energy consumption compared among any UNITO building between the 2010 and 2014.
The graph shows a comparison between absolute Electrical consumption ( Y-axis ) and the Consumption per meter square among all UNITO buildings.

This type of graph is very useful in order to quickly identify high inefficient buildings or to choose buildings with very high consumption. In fact, the four coloured quadrants reveal different priority. The horizontal and the vertical quadrant splits correspond to the average of the consumption of the building with the highest consumption. The four quadrants, respectively, represents:
  1. Bottom-left quadrant: Low priority. The low priority is explained because of the low absolute electrical consumption and a relatively high efficiency in the ratio consumption per meter square. Thus, any maintenance work can change a little the UNITO total electrical consumption;
  2. Bottom-right quadrant: medium priority. The medium priority is explained because of the low absoulte electrical consumption and a low efficiency in the ratio consumption per meter square. Thus, relatively to the UNITO total consumption, any maintenance work can affect a little the total consumption but there are high inefficiency within the building structure.
  3. Top-right quadrant: Very high priority. High consumption and high ratio of total electrical consumption per meter square. Any little maintenance work can really affect the UNITO total electrical consumption.
  4. Top-left Quadrant: High Priority. High consumption but low total electrical consumption per meter square ratio. Thus, any maintenance work can affect the UNITO total consumption but it could be quite difficult to improve the energy efficiency of the building.

You can add or remove any building from the graphs in order to focus on some specific department or site. Once You've chosen your type of graph you can print it on a pdf, jpeg, png.

All Consumptions are expressed in Kwh