In this section, You can look for all Electrical Energy consumption for any UNITO building between the 2010 and 2014.
The first graphs shows annual consumption subdivided by months and by the three different time zones, F1, F2 and F3 based on italian law.
The second graphs represents the total consumption in percentage. You can also zoom it, just by click on it, in order to visualize the monthly repartition.

You can play, adjust and create your own personalized graph by clicking on it. You can exclude series, change building and year and then print it on a pdf, jpeg, png.

All Consumptions are expressed in Kwh

In this second section, You can look for all historical Electrical Energy consumption comparison for any UNITO building between the 2010 and 2014.
You can choose the building, the historical year you want to start from and what type of consumption you want to compare (F1,F2,F3,Total Energy).
Then You can rotate and print your own graph on a pdf, jpeg, png.

All Consumptions are expressed in Kwh