In this section, You can look for all Electrical Energy consumption compared among any UNITO building between the 2010 and 2014.
The graph shows a comparison among all UNITO buildings.

You can choose to compare the Active Energy, the Reactive Energy and the ratio between (F2+F3)/F1 in any year between 2010 and 2014.
In particular, the ratio (F2+F3)/F1 shows the night and holiday consumption against dayly consumption. For istance, a ratio of 1 means that a building consume the same during the night and during the day. A ratio of 2, the double, and so on. It's a first good index in order to understand if the energy management of a building is efficient or not.
Once You've chosen your type of graph you can print it on a pdf, jpeg, png.

All Consumptions are expressed in Kwh