Working Group

About US

The Food Working Group aim is to develop an action and strategic plan in order to improve the sustainability and the quality of the food within the University of Turin. The achievement of these aims will be reached through possible concrete actions and projects, in the short and long term, without any cost or with an increasing financial complexity, starting from best practices in Italy and in Europe until technical and feasibility analysis of the proposal.

The Food Working Group, in this first step, is identifying, in collaboration with internal and external stakeholder, the intervention fields to improve the possibility of access, for everyone within the University of Turin, to high quality food (considering environmental, social and local aspects. The main idea is to propose a deep thought on the food system (from production to consumption) within the sustainability policy of the University of Turin, according to the new challenge of the “sustainable Agenda 2030”.

The detailed study will focus on the university food service, from the bars up to the vending machines.

The Group is open to any proposal, positive or negative, from the Unito communitiy or from the local stakeholders.


Prof Cristiana Peano (DISAFA)

Dr. Annalisa Messina (Contracts, assets and Logistics Technical Direction)

Work in Progress Projects

News coming very soon