UniTo Green Office


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UniTo Green Office

UniToGO (Unito GreenOffice) is the new Hub for the Sustainability: in order to reach the University target " Increasing the social, economic and environmental responsibility of the University of Turin" of the strategic GuideLines 2016-2020, UniToGo has been set up.
UniToGo will lead, coordinate and promote every activities and initiatives about environmental sustainability within the University of Turin.

Engagement, Third Mission and Communication

Develop Network with other national and international sustainable Universities in order to improve and develop future European research projects (for instance Horizon 20-20-20) on sustainability. Communicate constantly every initiatives throughout the web sites, the social network and scientific publications. Organize engagement and networking events, in order to create profitable synergies among internal and external stakeholders, call for idea and projects and thesis and research awards.


Build a common knowledge from state-of-art literatures and researches, with particular attention to best practices from other sustainable Universities and Campuses, in Italy and in Europe. These activities provides students' engagement in thesis activities, internships and specific laboratories and workshops.


Plan of structural interventions, in a medium-long term, with a necessary large budget and a complex technical design and planning time (for instance the building renovation for energy efficiency improvement, planning the recycling or the sutainable mobility at urban scale). Soft interventions, in the short-medium term, with lowest budget and a easier technical design and planning time (for instance the renovation of the lighting with more efficient LED, the improvement of existing recycling trashes or a engagement and communication plan). Administrative interventions, in the short term without any cost for the university, in order to improve the bureaucracy and the management of the University exploting OpenData, Internet of Thing solutions and the most innovative technologies.


Towards a Smart and Sustainable University

Ranking 2017

Unito is the 2° more sustainable
University in Italy
55° in the world.



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For any type of request or any information needed don't hesitate to contact us.
Get Involved: contact us and start to co-design the Green University.
We will contact you very soon for any oncoming initiative.

  • Unito Green Office: unito-go@unito.it
  • WebMaster: dario.cottafava@unito.it
  • +39 3491709811

  • Monday - Friday
  • 8:00 AM - 18:00 PM
  • Weekend Closed
  • Palazzo Degli Stemmi
  • Via po 29
  • Torino